President Message
The main problem for a student may be related to education itself. And the problem for us was the helplessness of being deprived of quality education due to lack of fees growing near our educational institute (Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jhansi).
In the modern era where India is moving ahead with the increasing rate of literacy. At the same time, the absence of adequate resources for rural and economically backward children is making education scarce even today. In a higher educational institution like BIET Jhansi, where we are dreaming of becoming eminent in high positions, there is no quality in the education of the primary and senior secondary level in the nearby village. Although there are some good schools But paying their fees is beyond the capacity of the poor and working people. The sensitivity of these problems compels us to do something towards those people. Shakti Education and Welfare Association (SEWA) is an NGO run by us, which is constantly striving for the welfare of poor and helpless people and spreading education to their children with the limited resources available with us. is our primary objective. We have opened free education centers at some places in the nearby villages so that no child should be deprived of good education due to lack of fees.
Mr. Brijesh Yadav

Our Mission
The mission of Shakti Education and Welfare Association is to insure smile on every faces. This is best done by redeemed regenerated and progressive society, which will be free from exploitation, injustice and disparity. Everyone should get equal opportunity to be educated, where overall development and dignity of every person will be secured and people can live in peace, solidarity, co-operation and brotherhood and where the right of each one should be protected. All these will be brought about through transformation and sustained development of Indian society in which they live and all can get equal opportunity to be educated.

Our Vision
The vision of Shakti Education and Welfare Association is to create equal and peaceful society where everybody shares and care for the illiteracy in the society. Poor, exploited and unprivileged people should have equal literacy rate and have the equal opportunity to make the world a better place to live in.

Our Commitments
Every person is of equal value and worth, therefore, we are committed to working with the poor people and community supporting them as they strive to meet their basic needs, overcome unjust and fulfill their dreams and potentials. In so, doing we are committed to fully acknowledge the integrity, worth and initiative of those who are oppressed by poverty and injustice. We are committed to work with people in the context of family, community and environment, with concern for their physical mental, social and emotional wellbeing. We always adopt holistic approach in our call and commitment. We are committed to work with partners, supporters, co- workers and volunteers in a professional manner. We are committed to learning from other in humility and seek to respond well to constructive criticism and changing need of those we serve. We are committed to work with the other organization in a spirit of collaboration rather than competition locally, nationally and internationally.

Our Future Goals
- To ensure primary education for all children,
- To provide non-formal education to the street & working children chiefly from the deprived section of our society.
- To promote literacy among adults, illiterate & needy villagers from rural areas and slum dwellers of urban areas.
- To adopt and care for orphan and semi orphan children especially girl children by protecting their rights to food, shelter, health and education.
- To provide health care and education to the needy and deserving.
- To conduct vocational training and counseling for adolescents and needy people.
- To provide a gateway to get opportunity for income among unemployed people especially the youth and adolescents.
- To provide relief and rehabilitation care to the victims of any natural or manmade calamity.
- To work on gender issues and welfare issues for women and children – especially girl children.
- To provide awareness among the people about environment issues,
- To create awareness among people about their legal rights, justice issues.
- To promote Brotherhood, Communal Harmony, National Integration at all levels.
Our Mentors